
A new generation of greenhouses, led by data-driven decisions and cutting-edge technology, is here. Though the agricultural industry has always dedicated itself to innovation, technology has never offered growers such a distinct competitive edge. Today, growers are using data to make calculated decisions that dramatically improve their crop yields by improving ROI, reducing energy costs, and more. Our technology offers:

  • Smart sensors
  • Low-Power-Long-Range wireless communication system
  • Intelligent Platform IoT Platform or Application Software

As the world’s third-largest exporter of cut flowers, Kenya sells 70 percent of its flowers to Europe. The horticultural sector is Kenya’s third-largest foreign exchange earner. The flower industry directly employs 150,000 people and contributes 1 percent of the country’s GDP. According to the Kenya Flower Council, flower sales generated $960 million in 2019.

Kenya is the 6th largest producer of Avocados in the world. Avocados are also very popular for local domestic consumption. There is a great deal of talk and action around avocado farming at county level. It is most important to retain our reputation for good quality sustainable production in the Global Market.

Soil parameters

Electrical Conductivity

Soil electrical conductivity (EC) is a measure of the amount of salts in soil (salinity of soil). It is an excellent indicator of nutrient availability and loss, soil texture, and available water capacity. It affects crop yields, the suitability of the soil for certain crops, the amount of water and nutrients available for plant use, and the activity of soil micro-organisms, which influences key soil processes such as the emission of greenhouse gases, including nitrogen oxides, methane, and carbon dioxide. Excessive salts hinder plant growth by affecting the soil and water balance. Soils containing excessive salts occur naturally in arid and semiarid climates. Salt levels can increase as a result of cropping, irrigation, and land management. Although EC does not provide a direct measurement of specific ions or salt compounds, it has been correlated to concentrations of nitrates, potassium, sodium, chloride, sulfate, and ammonia. For certain nonsaline soils, determining EC can be an easy, economical way to estimate the amount of nitrogen (N) available for plant use. Soil EC can also be an effective way to determine the texture of the surface layer because smaller clay particles conduct more electrical current than larger silt and sand particles. Source: USDA


*Soils that have an EC value of more than 1 dS/m and a relatively high nitrate level will have increased production of nitrous oxide (N2O) gas by denitrification under anaerobic conditions (90 percent or more water-filled pore space) by more than 15 to 315 times. Nitrous oxide is nearly 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide (CO2) as a greenhouse gas that depletes ozone in the upper atmosphere. Source: USDA

Soil PH

Soil pH is a measure of soil acidity or alkalinity. It is an important indicator of soil health. It affects crop yields, crop suitability, plant nutrient availability, and soil micro-organism activity, influencing key soil processes. Soil pH can be managed by practices such as applying the proper amount of nitrogen fertilizer, liming, and using cropping systems that increase soil organic matter content and improve overall soil health. Source: USDA


Nitrogen cycling is inhibited by low pH. The effectiveness and degradation of herbicides and insecticides and the solubility of heavy metals are dependent on the soil pH. Some diseases thrive in alkaline or acidic soils. The effectiveness and potential carryover of certain herbicides is also impacted by soil pH. Source: USDA

Soil Nitrogen

Nitrogen (N) is the most abundant element in the atmosphere, and it generally is the most limiting nutrient for crops. Nitrogen cycles in soil through various processes and in various forms. Some of the processes convert N into forms that can be used by plants, and some of the processes, such as leaching and volatilization, can lead to N losses. Nitrogen is added to soil naturally through N fixation by soil bacteria and legumes and through rainfall. Additional N typically is applied to the soil by use of fertilizer, manure, or other organic material. Because N is so dynamic, it can easily be lost to the environment, making it difficult to determine adequate N levels throughout the growth cycle of crops. The soil nitrate N level is a reasonable indicator of N cycling in soils, and it can be used to help determine whether carryover nitrogen was used by the previous crop and whether additional nitrogen is needed. In addition, the nitrate N level is an excellent indicator of soil organic matter mineralization and excessive or inadequate application of N fertilizer for optimum crop or forage production. Excessive application of N fertilizer can result in leaching of nitrates below the root zone and into groundwater at a shallow depth or into drainage tiles. Source: USDA


Apply nitrogen based on the amount needed to optimize yields with consideration of the agronomic, economic, and environmental effects. When determining the proper rate of application of N fertilizer or manure, consider the residual nitrate N in the soil, mineralization of organic matter, N supplied by legumes, manure or other organic amendments applied, nitrate N content in irrigation water, decomposition of residue, and natural sources of N. Source: USDA

Soil phosphorous

Phosphorous (P) commonly is one of the most limiting nutrients for crops and forage. The primary role of P in plants is storage and transfer of energy produced by photosynthesis for growth and reproductive processes. Phosphorus cycles in soil through various processes and in various forms. Some forms are readily available for plant use, and some are not. Adequate P levels promote fruit, flower, and seed production; increase crop yields; promote root growth and hardiness of plants in winter; stimulate tillering; and hasten crop maturity. Phosphate soil tests assist in determining the P cycling in soils, production potential, appropriate P levels for soil microbial processes, and potential crop response to P fertilizer. Moderate levels of P typically are adequate for productivity and soil microbial processes. High levels indicate excessive application of P fertilizer; a potential for loss of soluble P in surface runoff, drainage tile, and groundwater at a shallow depth; and a potential for leaching of P in sandy and organic soils. Source: USDA


Symptoms of P deficiency commonly occur as young plants are exposed to cool, wet conditions. Under these conditions, plant growth exceeds the ability of the roots to supply P. Young plants are especially vulnerable because their root systems are limited and P is immobile in the soil. Cultural or environmental factors that limit root growth contribute to the symptoms of P deficiency. These factors include cool temperatures, wet or dry conditions, compaction of the soil, damage from herbicide use, damage from insects, salinity, and root pruning from sidedressing knives or cultivators. Once growing conditions become favorable again and further root growth occurs, leaves normally regain their green color. Source: USDA

Soil potassium

Potassium is a critical nutrient that plants absorb from the soil, and from fertilizer. It increases disease resistance, helps stalks to grow upright and sturdy, improves drought tolerance, and helps plants get through the winter. As important as it is, too much potassium can be unhealthy for plants because it affects the way the soil absorbs other critical nutrients. Lowering soil potassium can also prevent excess phosphorus from running into the waterways where it can increase growth of algae that can eventually kill aquatic organisms. All commercial fertilizer must list the levels of three important macro-nutrients with an N-P-K ratio on the front of the package. The three nutrients are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). To reduce potassium in soil, use only products with a low number or a zero in the K position or skip the fertilizer entirely. Plants often do fine without it. Organic fertilizers generally have lower N-P-K ratios. For instance, an N-P-K ratio of 4-3-3 is typical for chicken manure. Also, the nutrients in manure break down slowly, which may prevent potassium buildup. Source: GARDENINGKNOWHOW


Potassium is associated with the movement of water, nutrients and carbohydrates in plant tissue. It’s involved with enzyme activation within the plant, which affects protein, starch and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. The production of ATP can regulate the rate of photosynthesis. Potassium also helps regulate the opening and closing of the stomata, which regulates the exchange of water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide. If K is deficient or not supplied in adequate amounts, it stunts plant growth and reduces yield. Source: GARDENINGKNOWHOW

Tips for Avocado Farmers

Avocado farming business is one of the important practices for food security.

  • Cool temperatures (mean daily 20-24C) are best because hot dry weather causes fruit drop
  • Humidity should exceed 50% at midday especially during flowering, pollination and fruit set.
  • Rain fed avocados need >1000 mm rainfall a year, spread out through out the year, with a two-month drier season pre-flowering.
  • Plants require about 25 mm water per week.
  • A healthy avocado tree has a root system that can penetrate the soil to 1 m, with most of the feeder roots in the top 20 cm of soil in the drip zone.
  • Avocados soil pH varies from pH 5-7, with an optimum pH of 6.2 to 6.5.
  • Lime is added to acidic soil to increase the soil pH to 6.5.
  • Avocado soil nutrients. Dolomitic lime is part substituted for calcitic lime if magnesium is deficient.
  • If phosphorous is deficient it should be added along with the lime and mixed thoroughly into the soil prior to planting.
  • Incase the soil is too alkaline, the pH may be reduced by adding sulphur and keeping the soil moist for 6-12 months.
  • Calcium is a critical nutrient in avocado production

Tips for Flower farmers

Flower farming business is one of the fastest growing sectors with an increasing market for all types of flowers.

  • Plant flowers in phases so that they mature at different times.
  • Well-drained soil with a pH between 6.3 and 6.7
  • Set out young plants at the recommended spacing, to prevent them from crowding each other once they have grown and matured
  • Fertilise at planting time with an organic or slow-release fertiliser.
  • When planting, the bud union of the plant should not be covered with soil, it should be 2 – 3 cm above the ground level..
  • Ground shoot cutting should be done on 5th pair of the leaves, then one or two eye buds sprout from lower leaves below the cut.
  • Farmers are expected to remove diseased plant or apply recommended pesticides to solve the challenge.
  • Bud caps are generally placed on the bud when they are beginning to form buds. This helps to increase the bud size and shape to meet customer demand.
  • Pruning of flowers is necessary to decrease the height of the plant.
  • One month after planting, top dress the flowers with nitrogen at a rate of 50g/m2 NPK 17:17:17 fertiliser


We offer smart agriculture services to flower farmers. They include

Soil and Enviromental Sensing in Real time

We test for different micro nutrients in the soil to get its quality

Data visualization and Alerts

We visualize the data we get from testing and sampling on a Dashboard

Reports generation

We generate reports from your soil samples for research and analysis

Equipment Supply

We supply and maintain sensors to green houses and farms

Get in Touch

Let us know how we can make your flower farming venture smart.